Why you shouldn't use your inexperienced friend or family member when buying a waterfront property

Using a friend as a realtor for waterfront/rural property can risk quality and relationships; expertise is key for intricate regulations and conditions

Almost everyone has a friend or family member who is a real estate agent. While it may seem convenient, and they might rebate you some of their commission, it is essential to consider their qualifications and experience before deciding to use them to help you purchase a Waterfront or Rural property.

If your friend or family member lacks the necessary knowledge and experience to navigate the intricacies of these types of properties, it is best to seek out a more qualified agent. Just because someone has a real estate license doesn't automatically make them a good realtor and you don’t want to destroy a good relationship when it all goes wrong and there is a very high chance that it may.When purchasing lakefront or rural real estate, it is crucial to work with an agent who has the expertise to guide you through the process successfully.

For example, if you plan to use the property as a short-term rental, does your agent know the regulations in the area regarding short-term rentals? Do they understand the different classes of septic systems, water wells, and water treatment systems? Are they aware of blue-green algae and its potential impact on a lakefront property?Do they even know the difference between a closed, open, or owned shoreline allowance as well as the benefits or downsides of owning or purchasing the shoreline allowance if available.

Do they know the ins and outs of private and municipal 3 and 4 season roads. Many people think that just because it is a municipal road it is open all year round. Can you imagine purchasing a 4-season lakefront home on a municipal road only to find out that the road is close in the winter and the only way to get to your property is buy snowmobile that is if you can find a legal place to park your car and snowmobile trailer.These are just a few examples of the intricacies involved in purchasing a lakefront or rural property. Without proper knowledge and experience, you may find yourself regretting your purchase down the line.

If you want to work with an agent who has the necessary expertise in lakefront and rural properties, contact us today. Our team has the experience and knowledge required to ensure a smooth and successful transaction. We can guide you through the process, help you navigate the intricacies, and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

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